[For members] AED training course (Shima Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
[For members] Information on Shima City New Year's greetings exchange party
[For members] Holding of the Legionnaires' Disease Prevention Training Seminar in FY2024 [Ise Public Health Center]
[For members] "Well-Being Town Development Forum" to be held on September 9nd [Isobe Lifelong Learning Center]
[For members] "TOTO Seminar" scheduled for October 10th canceled
[For members] Information session for the Japan Tourism Agency's subsidized project "Measures to combat labor shortages in tourist destinations and the tourism industry"
[For members] Reconfirming disaster preparedness for Nankai Trough earthquakes and other disasters (request for cooperation)
[For members] Commemorative lecture towards the 80th anniversary of Ise-Shima National Park designation
[For members] "Seminar on regional tourism and tourism revenue sources: Thinking about accommodation taxes"
[For members] Lecture by Takataro Toriumi (aviation/travel analyst)
[For members] Seminars and workshops on sustainable tourism held
[For members] About the Shima City briefing session on the Japan Tourism Agency's "Regional-integrated revitalization and high-value-added tourism destination/tourism industry project"
[For members] Announcement of the 9th Shima Rotary Club Cultural Exchange Festival
[For members] Information on cashless payment briefing session
[For members] Chubu Transport Bureau/Shima City Request for cooperation in survey of the actual situation regarding sustainable initiatives
[For members] Information on cashless promotion subsidy
[For Members] Regarding Shima City Energy Price Rising Emergency Support Fund
[For members] Announcement of publication of the second issue of "Shimashimata Yori", a public relations paper for members
[For members] Hospitality “DX” seminar that unites Mie
[For members] Announcement of publication of the second issue of "Shimashimata Yori", a public relations paper for members