Movie “Whose Parent’s Money Belongs to the Legal Heir” Exhibition

Movie "Whose Parent's Money Belongs to the Legal Heir"

The movie ``Whose Parents' Money Belongs to: Legal Heirs'' is set in a family that runs a pearl farming business and depicts the problems of the ``adult guardianship system'' that must be faced in today's society with a declining birthrate and an aging population.
We will display scenes from the location shoot in Ise-Shima, scenario scripts, props, and props.


DateThursday, December 14, 2020 - Monday, January 29, 2020 (29 days)
*Closed: Tuesdays and Wednesdays (open on public holidays), year-end and New Year holidays (December 28th to January 4th)
Event Time9:00 to 17:00 (last entry at 16:30), closing at 16:00 on the last day
PlaceShima City Painting Town Daio Art Gallery 2nd floor exhibition room
Reference HP
SponsorshipShima city


■ Shima City Citizen Life Department Daio Branch

  • [TEL] 0599-72-4336
  • [FAX] 0599-72-4317
  • [e-mail]

Map / Access

From Kintestu Ugata station ride the bus for "Goza Port" and drop at "Daio Branch office"


Useful links

Enjoy Shima