Shima mini golf

Mini golf with a view of the beautiful ocean

Mini golf is easy to play for everyone from children to adults with simple rules.
The Shima Mini Golf Course, certified by the Japan Park Golf Association, offers a great location to play while enjoying a view of the beautiful Kou-Shirahama Coast.

Digital ticket sales for Shima Park Golf Course tickets

Tickets for Shima Park Golf Course are on sale at Burarist, an Ise-Shima digital ticket service. You can purchase tickets in advance according to the date of use.

*User registration is required for purchase and use. In addition to purchasing digital tickets, Burarist also offers tourist information using digital maps, digital coupons, digital stamp rallies, and more, allowing you to enjoy your trip to Ise-Shima more affordably with just your smartphone!

What is on sale at Burarist?

Shima Park Golf Course Ticket (equipment set included)
・General admission: 1,000 yen (tax included)
・Junior high school students and younger: 500 yen (tax included)

For further details, please see the Burarisuto website below.
Ise-Shima digital ticket service Burarist website


517-0506 Agocho Kou, Shima, Mie 3025-36
Opening hours
8:30 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (Last admission at 4:4 p.m. Play until 45:XNUMX p.m.)
One time (1 holes or less): ¥36 for adults, ¥800 for junior high school students and younger
One day: Adults 1 yen, Junior high school students and under 1,200 yen
Club and ball rental (per pair): 1 yen
Time taken
About 2 hours and a half
Closing days
Temporary closure due to year-end and New Year holidays, weather, etc.
Parking Lot
yes: 70 parking spaces
Car: Approx. 167 minutes from the Shiroki IC of the Daini-Ise Road via Route 61 - Prefectural Route 167 - Route 514 - Prefectural Route 30
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Enjoy Shima